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Nick Mann | William Beard | The Reddings | Gary "bone" Cooper | James Mtume | Carole Robinson | Lynette White Ayers | Roy Ayers Ubiquity | George Duke | Carlos Ward | B.t. Express | Ray Parker Jr & Raydio | Lakeside | People's Choice | Con Funk Shun | Jody Watley | Boaz Mcwade Watson | Vincent Calloway | Klymaxx | The O'jays | George Bell | Larry Davis | Instant Funk | Delegation | Marie Teena | Brass Construction | Robert Wilson | Rudy Taylor | The Gap Band | Rick James | Claude "coffee" Cave | Louis Wilson | Ric Wilson | Mandrill | Bootsy Collins | George Clinton | Parliament | Winston Allen Stewart | Michael Edward Beard | Franklin C. Thompson | Larry Charles Dodson | Lloyd Ed Smith | Harvey J Henderson | James Edward Alexander | Frederick M. Freeman | Harry L. Nehls | The Bar-kays | Milan Williams | Ronald Lapread | Thomas Mcclary | Walter Orange | William King | The Commodores | Cameo | Kool & The Gang | Divers
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