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King S College Choir, Cambridge | Stephen Cleobury | Thomas Williamson | John Goss | Sioned Williams | Traditional Gaelic | Ralph Vaughan Williams | King's College Choir Of Cambridge | Wallace Collection | Martin Luther | Benjamin Bayl | Sir William Harris | Edward Miller | Thomas Bullard | Hubert Parry | Traditional Irish | Clement Scholefield | Stephen Jackson | Stralsund Gesangbuch | John Ireland | James Leith Macbeth Bain | Georg Friedrich Haendel | Orlando Gibbons | Cyril Taylor | Genevan Psalter 1551 | Oliver Brett | Peter Stevens | W. H. Monk | Gustav Holst | R. H. Prichard | Philip Jones Brass Ensemble | Ian Hare | Sir David Willcocks | St Fulbert Of Chartres | Clarke Jeremiah | John Bacchus Dykes | Reginald Heber | John Henry Newman | Thomas Haweis | Adrian Partington | Sir Philip Ledger | Philipp Nicolai | Musikalisches Hand-buch | William Horsley | Hans Leo Hassler | 18th-century English | Richard Redhead | Plainchant | James Lancelot | Henry Balfour Gardiner | York Minster Choir | John Scott Whiteley | Philip Moore | Traditional Swedish | Basil Harwood | Anon. 19th-century American | A. R. Reinagle | William Maher | Psalmodia Evangelica | William Croft | 17th Century German | Massed Choirs From Merseyside | Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble | Liverpool Cathedral Choir | Ian Tracey | Ian Wells | Divers | Friedrich Filitz | George Bennard | Herbert Howells | J. B. Dykes | William P. Rowlands | Arthur Sullivan | Temple Church Choir | Sir George Thalben Ball | Jessie Seymour Irvine | Charles Wesley | Frederick Myers | R. R. Terry | Henry Baker | Thomas J. Williams | Jean-sébastien Bach | Tobias Clausnitzer | Jane Leeson | Issac Smith | Myles B Foster | Ian Le Grice | Edward Perronet | Felix Mendelssohn | Huddersfield Choral Society | John Hugues | Peter Williams | William Williams | Anonymous | W C Smith | Joseph Parry | John Byrom | John Wainwright | William Whiting | George Job Elvey | Godfrey Thring | Matthew Bridges | The Central Band Of The Royal Air Force | Barry Rose | Wing Cdr R. E. C. Davies | David Bell | Band Of The Irish Guards | C. H. Jaeger | Robert Tear | Richard Hickox | John Scott | Westminster Singers | Benjamin Luxon | Westminster Choir | John Stainer | American Boychoir | St Ambrose Of Milan | Traditional German Hymn | Traditional Silesian Folksong | Jeremiah E. Rankin | Henry John Gauntlett | John Wells | Este S Psalter, 1592 | The Congregation | Traditional English | Francis Grier | C Kocher | 13th Century | Sir Andrew Davis
Edité par WARNER / Warner Classics - 2011
100 piste(s)
Musique audio | King S College Choir, Cambridge | MusicMe | 2011
50 piste(s)
Musique audio | Stephen Cleobury | MusicMe | 2012
Musique audio | King's College Choir Of Cambridge | MusicMe | 1996
Musique audio | King's College Choir Of Cambridge | MusicMe | 2006
Musique audio | King S College Choir, Cambridge | MusicMe | 2007
Musique audio | King S College Choir, Cambridge | MusicMe | 2008
51 piste(s)
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