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Musique audio
Pat Lynch & The Airchords | Gregory & The Cadets | Tony Keeling & The Graduates | Brendan Bowyer | The Royal Showband | Sean Dunphy & The Hoedowners | Dickie Rock & The Miami | Jack Ruane Snr | Jack Ruane Showband | Capitol Showband | Butch Moore | Eileen Reid & The Cadets | Tom Dunphy & The Royal Showband | Dermot O'brien & The Clubmen | Sean Fagan & The Pacific Showband | The Drifters Showband | Joe Dolan | Brendan O'brien & The Dixies | Gerry & The Ohio | The Indians | Margo & The Keynotes | Shay O'hara | The Royal Blues | Brendan Hutchinson & The Navak | Johnny & The Maurice Lynch Showband | Charlie Matthews & The Royal Showband | Peter Cowan & The Hilton | Jimmy Brendan & The Cadets | Kelley & The Nevada | Jack Ruane | Joe Mccarthy & The Dixies | Will Ahearn & The Arrivals | Ian Corrigan & Casino | Earl Gill & The Hoedowners | Pat Hanrahan & The Nomads | Dawn Knight & The Casuals | Sonny Knowles & The Pacific | Royal Blues | Doc Carroll | Murty Quinn & The Miami | Emmet Wynne & The Airchords | Gerry Black & The Finnavons | Tina & The Mexicans | The Blue Aces | Tony Walsh | Jimmy Day & The Cadets | Don Duggan & The Story | Shay O'hara & The Premier Aces | Seamus Shannon & The Drifter Sound | Derrick & The Sounds | Danny Ellis & The Miami | The Times | The Cadets | Dene Lane & The Rhythm Stars | Johnny Flynn Showband | Muriel Day & The Dave Glover Band | Steve Lynch & The Dixies | Gerry Madigan & The Cotton Mill Boys | Marco Petrassi & The Ohio | Gregory & Eileen Reid | The Greenbeats | Fran O'toole & The Miami | Geno Hearne & The Footappers | Divers
Edité par WARNER / Sanctuary Records - 2017
80 piste(s)
Musique audio | Pat Lynch & The Airchords | MusicMe | 2022
18 piste(s)
Musique audio | The Freshman | MusicMe | 2017
60 piste(s)
Musique audio | Joe Dolan | MusicMe | 2023
Musique audio | Long John Baldry | MusicMe | 2024
19 piste(s)
Musique audio | Lena Martell | MusicMe | 2023
30 piste(s)
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