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Michael Crawford & London Symphony Orchestra & Andrew Pryce Jackman | Ian Mclarnon, The National Symphony Orchestra & John Owen Edwards | Andrew Halliday & Carmen Cusack & The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | Clinton Derricks Carroll & The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | The "godspell" Company, National Symphony Orchestra Ensemble & Stephen Brooker | Doug Labrecque & The National Symphony Orchestra & John Owen Edwards | Katrina Murphy, The National Symphony Orchestra & John Owen Edwards | Edmund Hockridge | Barbara Dickson & The New World Philharmonic & Jack Rothstein | Issy Van Randwyck & Martin Yates & The National Symphony Orchestra | Jan Hovathand & The National Symphony Orchestra & John Owen Edwards | Herb Jeffries | Jacinta Whyte, Jacqui Scott, Carmen Cusack, The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | Ray Ellington Quartet | Gary Miller | Jennifer Hepburn, John Owen Edwards, Nick Ferranti, The Company & The National Symphony Orchestra | Deborah Myers & James Graeme & The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | Page Cavanaugh | Poppy Tierney & Max Milner & Simon Bowman & Hayley Wareham & The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | Max Bygraves | Joan Regan | Poppy Lee Friar & National Symphony Orchestra Ensemble & Martin Yates | Kenny Ball & His Jazzmen | Joanna Ampil & National Symphony Orchestra Ensemble & Julian Kelly | Ian Mclarnon, The Nso Ensemble & Martin Yates | Caterina Valente | The California Poppy Pickers | Barbara Dickson | Kim Criswell & Graham Bickley & The National Symphony Orchestra | Paul Nicholas & Paul Jones & The New World Philharmonic | Paul Baker & The Chorus & The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | Josie Walker, The National Symphony Orchestra & Craig Barna | Arvid Larsen, The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | Laurie Gayle Stephenson, Doug Labrecque, The National Symphony Orchestra & John Owen Edwards | Sean Mcdermott, Vanessa A. Jones, National Symphony Orchestra Ensemble & Martin Yates | Kim Criswell, The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | David Garrick | Meshell Dillon, National Symphony Orchestra Ensemble & Craig Barna | Deborah Myers & The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | Rex Harrison | Andrew Newey & Katrina Murphy & The National Symphony Orchestra & Martin Yates | Orlando Pops Orchestra | Divers
Edité par WARNER / Dockland Music - 2023
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