Disney Pixar greatest

Musique audio

Newman, Randy (1943-....) | Newman, Thomas (1955-....)

Edité par Walt Disney Records - 2010

  • You've got a friend in me [Toy story]/ Randy Newman
  • The time of your life [A Bug's life]/ Randy Newman
  • When she loved me [Toy story 2]/ Sarah McLachlan
  • If I didn't have you [Monsters, Inc]/ Billy Crystal/ John Goodman
  • Real gone [Cars]/ Sheryl Crow
  • Life is a highway [Cars]/ Rascal Flatts
  • Our town [Cars]/ James Taylor
  • Le festin [Ratatouille]/ Camille
  • Down to earth [Wall.e]/ Peter Gabriel
  • Infinity and beyond [Toy story]/ Randy Newman
  • A bug's life suite [A bug's life]/ Randy Newman
  • The flik machine [A bug's life]/ Randy Newman
  • The cleaner [Toy story 2]/ Randy Newman
  • Monsters, inc [Monsters, inc]/ Randy Newman
  • The scare floor [Monsters, inc]/ Randy Newman
  • Nemo egg [Finding Nemo]/ Thomas Newman
  • First day [Finding Nemo]/ Thomas Newman
  • Field trip [Finding Nemo]/ Thomas Newman
  • The incredits [The incrediles]/ Michael Giacchino
  • McQueen and Sally [Cars]/ Randy Newman
  • Wall rat [Ratatouille]/ Michael Giacchino
  • Colette shows him le ropes [Ratatouille]/ Michael Giacchino
  • Define dancing [Wall.e]/ Thomas Newman
  • First date [Wall.e]/ Thomas Newman
  • Carl goes up [Up]/ Michael Giacchino
  • You've got a friend in me [Para el Buzz espanol] [Toy story 3]/ Gipsy Kings
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Ecouter les fichiers audio

1 -- You've got a friend in me [Toy story]
2 -- The time of your life [A Bug's life]
3 -- When she loved me [Toy story 2]
4 -- If I didn't have you [Monsters, Inc]
5 -- Real gone [Cars]

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